salary bindable: false
firstName size: 5..15, bindable: true
department bindable: true
Configure the bindability of a property.
Set to false
to indicate that a property is not to be automatically assigned a value during data binding.
package com.demo
class Employee {
String firstName
String department
BigDecimal salary
static constraints = {
department bindable: false
salary bindable: false
import com.demo.Employee
def employee = new Employee()
employee.firstName = 'Bill'
employee.department = 'Percussion'
employee.salary = 42.0
// department and salary will NOT be bound because they are configured as non-bindable in the Employee.constraints closure = [firstName: 'William',
department: 'Retired',
salary: 99.99]
assert 'William' == employee.firstName
assert 'Percussion' == employee.department
assert 42.0 == employee.salary
Statically typed instance properties are bindable by default. Properties which are not bindable by default are those related to transient fields, dynamically typed properties and static properties.
See the data binding section for more details on data binding.
The bindable constraint must be assigned a literal boolean value. Dynamic expressions are not valid values for the bindable constraint. The value must be the literal true or false .
The bindable constraint must be applied in the constraints closure which is defined in the relevant class. This means that bindable may not be used as a shared constraint.