public class TokenMgrError extends java.lang.Error
Token Manager Error.
Modifiers | Name | Description |
static int |
Tried to change to an invalid lexical state. |
static int |
Lexical error occurred. |
static int |
Detected (and bailed out of) an infinite loop in the token manager. |
static int |
An attempt was made to create a second instance of a static token manager. |
int |
errorCode |
Indicates the reason why the exception is thrown. |
private static long |
serialVersionUID |
Constructor and description |
TokenMgrError() No arg constructor. |
TokenMgrError(java.lang.String message, int reason) Constructor with message and reason. |
TokenMgrError(boolean EOFSeen, int lexState, int errorLine, int errorColumn, java.lang.String errorAfter, char curChar, int reason) Full Constructor. |
Type Params | Return Type | Name and description |
protected static java.lang.String |
LexicalError(boolean EOFSeen, int lexState, int errorLine, int errorColumn, java.lang.String errorAfter, char curChar) Returns a detailed message for the Error when it is thrown by the token manager to indicate a lexical error. |
protected static final java.lang.String |
addEscapes(java.lang.String str) Replaces unprintable characters by their escaped (or unicode escaped) equivalents in the given string |
public java.lang.String |
getMessage() You can also modify the body of this method to customize your error messages. |
Methods inherited from class | Name |
class java.lang.Error |
java.lang.Error#printStackTrace(), java.lang.Error#printStackTrace(, java.lang.Error#printStackTrace(, java.lang.Error#getStackTrace(), java.lang.Error#fillInStackTrace(), java.lang.Error#getCause(), java.lang.Error#initCause(java.lang.Throwable), java.lang.Error#toString(), java.lang.Error#getMessage(), java.lang.Error#getSuppressed(), java.lang.Error#getLocalizedMessage(), java.lang.Error#setStackTrace([Ljava.lang.StackTraceElement;), java.lang.Error#addSuppressed(java.lang.Throwable), java.lang.Error#wait(long, int), java.lang.Error#wait(), java.lang.Error#wait(long), java.lang.Error#equals(java.lang.Object), java.lang.Error#hashCode(), java.lang.Error#getClass(), java.lang.Error#notify(), java.lang.Error#notifyAll() |
Tried to change to an invalid lexical state.
Lexical error occurred.
Detected (and bailed out of) an infinite loop in the token manager.
An attempt was made to create a second instance of a static token manager.
Indicates the reason why the exception is thrown. It will have one of the above 4 values.
No arg constructor.
Constructor with message and reason.
Full Constructor.
Returns a detailed message for the Error when it is thrown by the token manager to indicate a lexical error. Parameters : EOFSeen : indicates if EOF caused the lexical error curLexState : lexical state in which this error occurred errorLine : line number when the error occurred errorColumn : column number when the error occurred errorAfter : prefix that was seen before this error occurred curchar : the offending character Note: You can customize the lexical error message by modifying this method.
Replaces unprintable characters by their escaped (or unicode escaped) equivalents in the given string
You can also modify the body of this method to customize your error messages. For example, cases like LOOP_DETECTED and INVALID_LEXICAL_STATE are not of end-users concern, so you can return something like :
"Internal Error : Please file a bug report .... " from this method for such cases in the release version of your parser.