grails create-controller book
8 The Web Layer
Version: 7.0.0-M1
Table of Contents
8 The Web Layer
8.1 Controllers
A controller handles requests and creates or prepares the response. A controller can generate the response directly or delegate to a view. To create a controller, simply create a class whose name ends with Controller
in the grails-app/controllers
directory (in a subdirectory if it’s in a package).
The default URL Mapping configuration ensures that the first part of your controller name is mapped to a URI and each action defined within your controller maps to URIs within the controller name URI.
8.1.1 Understanding Controllers and Actions
Creating a controller
Controllers can be created with the create-controller or generate-controller command. For example try running the following command from the root of a Grails project:
The command will create a controller at the location grails-app/controllers/myapp/BookController.groovy
package myapp
class BookController {
def index() { }
where "myapp" will be the name of your application, the default package name if one isn’t specified.
by default maps to the /book URI (relative to your application root).
The create-controller and generate-controller commands are just for convenience and you can just as easily create controllers using your favorite text editor or IDE
Creating Actions
A controller can have multiple public action methods; each one maps to a URI:
class BookController {
def list() {
// do controller logic
// create model
return model
This example maps to the /book/list
URI by default thanks to the property being named list
The Default Action
A controller has the concept of a default URI that maps to the root URI of the controller, for example /book
for BookController
. The action that is called when the default URI is requested is dictated by the following rules:
If there is only one action, it’s the default
If you have an action named
, it’s the default -
Alternatively you can set it explicitly with the
static defaultAction = "list"
8.1.2 Controllers and Scopes
Available Scopes
Scopes are hash-like objects where you can store variables. The following scopes are available to controllers:
servletContext - Also known as application scope, this scope lets you share state across the entire web application. The servletContext is an instance of {jakartaee}jakarta/servlet/ServletContext.html[ServletContext]
session - The session allows associating state with a given user and typically uses cookies to associate a session with a client. The session object is an instance of {jakartaee}jakarta/servlet/http/HttpSession.html[HttpSession]
request - The request object allows the storage of objects for the current request only. The request object is an instance of {jakartaee}jakarta/servlet/http/HttpServletRequest.html[HttpServletRequest]
params - Mutable map of incoming request query string or POST parameters
flash - See below
Accessing Scopes
Scopes can be accessed using the variable names above in combination with Groovy’s array index operator, even on classes provided by the Servlet API such as the {jakartaee}jakarta/servlet/http/HttpServletRequest.html[HttpServletRequest]:
class BookController {
def find() {
def findBy = params["findBy"]
def appContext = request["foo"]
def loggedUser = session["logged_user"]
You can also access values within scopes using the de-reference operator, making the syntax even more clear:
class BookController {
def find() {
def findBy = params.findBy
def appContext =
def loggedUser = session.logged_user
This is one of the ways that Grails unifies access to the different scopes.
Using Flash Scope
Grails supports the concept of flash scope as a temporary store to make attributes available for this request and the next request only. Afterwards the attributes are cleared. This is useful for setting a message directly before redirecting, for example:
def delete() {
def b = Book.get(
if (!b) {
flash.message = "User not found for id ${}"
... // remaining code
When the delete
action is requested, the message
value will be in scope and can be used to display an information message. It will be removed from the flash
scope after this second request.
Note that the attribute name can be anything you want, and the values are often strings used to display messages, but can be any object type.
Scoped Controllers
Newly created applications have the grails.controllers.defaultScope
property set to a value of "singleton" in application.yml
. You may change this value to any
of the supported scopes listed below. If the property is not assigned a value at all, controllers will default to "prototype" scope.
Supported controller scopes are:
(default) - A new controller will be created for each request (recommended for actions as Closure properties) -
- One controller is created for the scope of a user session -
- Only one instance of the controller ever exists (recommended for actions as methods)
To enable one of the scopes, add a static scope
property to your class with one of the valid scope values listed above, for example
static scope = "singleton"
You can define the default strategy in application.yml
with the grails.controllers.defaultScope
key, for example:
defaultScope: singleton
Use scoped controllers wisely. For instance, we don’t recommend having any properties in a singleton-scoped controller since they will be shared for all requests. |
8.1.3 Models and Views
Returning the Model
A model is a Map that the view uses when rendering. The keys within that Map correspond to variable names accessible by the view. There are a couple of ways to return a model. First, you can explicitly return a Map instance:
def show() {
[book: Book.get(]
The above does not reflect what you should use with the scaffolding views - see the scaffolding section for more details. |
A more advanced approach is to return an instance of the Spring {springapi}org/springframework/web/servlet/ModelAndView.html[ModelAndView] class:
import org.springframework.web.servlet.ModelAndView
def index() {
// get some books just for the index page, perhaps your favorites
def favoriteBooks = ...
// forward to the list view to show them
return new ModelAndView("/book/list", [ bookList : favoriteBooks ])
One thing to bear in mind is that certain variable names can not be used in your model:
Currently, no error will be reported if you do use them, but this will hopefully change in a future version of Grails.
Selecting the View
In both of the previous two examples there was no code that specified which view to render. So how does Grails know which one to pick? The answer lies in the conventions. Grails will look for a view at the location grails-app/views/book/show.gsp
for this show
class BookController {
def show() {
[book: Book.get(]
To render a different view, use the render method:
def show() {
def map = [book: Book.get(]
render(view: "display", model: map)
In this case Grails will attempt to render a view at the location grails-app/views/book/display.gsp
. Notice that Grails automatically qualifies the view location with the book
directory of the grails-app/views
directory. This is convenient, but to access shared views, you use an absolute path instead of a relative one:
def show() {
def map = [book: Book.get(]
render(view: "/shared/display", model: map)
In this case Grails will attempt to render a view at the location grails-app/views/shared/display.gsp
Grails also supports JSPs as views, so if a GSP isn’t found in the expected location but a JSP is, it will be used instead.
Unlike GSPs, JSPs must be located in the directory path Additionally, to ensure JSPs work as intended, don’t forget to include the required dependencies for JSP and JSTL implementations in your |
Selecting Views For Namespaced Controllers
If a controller defines a namespace for itself with the namespace property that will affect the root directory in which Grails will look for views which are specified with a relative path. The default root directory for views rendered by a namespaced controller is grails-app/views/<namespace name>/<controller name>/
. If the view is not found in the namespaced directory then Grails will fallback to looking for the view in the non-namespaced directory.
See the example below.
class ReportingController {
static namespace = 'business'
def humanResources() {
// This will render grails-app/views/business/reporting/humanResources.gsp
// if it exists.
// If grails-app/views/business/reporting/humanResources.gsp does not
// exist the fallback will be grails-app/views/reporting/humanResources.gsp.
// The namespaced GSP will take precedence over the non-namespaced GSP.
[numberOfEmployees: 9]
def accountsReceivable() {
// This will render grails-app/views/business/reporting/numberCrunch.gsp
// if it exists.
// If grails-app/views/business/reporting/numberCrunch.gsp does not
// exist the fallback will be grails-app/views/reporting/numberCrunch.gsp.
// The namespaced GSP will take precedence over the non-namespaced GSP.
render view: 'numberCrunch', model: [numberOfEmployees: 13]
Rendering a Response
Sometimes it’s easier (for example with Ajax applications) to render snippets of text or code to the response directly from the controller. For this, the highly flexible render
method can be used:
render "Hello World!"
The above code writes the text "Hello World!" to the response. Other examples include:
// write some markup
render {
for (b in books) {
div(id:, b.title)
// render a specific view
render(view: 'show')
// render a template for each item in a collection
render(template: 'book_template', collection: Book.list())
// render some text with encoding and content type
render(text: "<xml>some xml</xml>", contentType: "text/xml", encoding: "UTF-8")
If you plan on using Groovy’s MarkupBuilder
to generate HTML for use with the render
method be careful of naming clashes between HTML elements and Grails tags, for example:
import groovy.xml.MarkupBuilder
def login() {
def writer = new StringWriter()
def builder = new MarkupBuilder(writer)
builder.html {
head {
title 'Log in'
body {
h1 'Hello'
form {
def html = writer.toString()
render html
This will actually call the form tag (which will return some text that will be ignored by the MarkupBuilder
). To correctly output a <form>
element, use the following:
def login() {
// ...
body {
h1 'Hello'
builder.form {
// ...
8.1.4 Redirects and Chaining
Actions can be redirected using the redirect controller method:
class OverviewController {
def login() {}
def find() {
if (!session.user)
redirect(action: 'login')
Internally the redirect method uses the {jakartaee}jakarta/servlet/http/HttpServletResponse.html[HttpServletResponse] object’s sendRedirect
The redirect
method expects one of:
The name of an action (and controller name if the redirect isn’t to an action in the current controller):
// Also redirects to the index action in the home controller
redirect(controller: 'home', action: 'index')
A URI for a resource relative the application context path:
// Redirect to an explicit URI
redirect(uri: "/login.html")
Or a full URL:
// Redirect to a URL
redirect(url: "")
A domain class instance:
// Redirect to the domain instance
Book book = ... // obtain a domain instance
redirect book
In the above example Grails will construct a link using the domain class id
(if present).
Parameters can optionally be passed from one action to the next using the params
argument of the method:
redirect(action: 'myaction', params: [myparam: "myvalue"])
These parameters are made available through the params dynamic property that accesses request parameters. If a parameter is specified with the same name as a request parameter, the request parameter is overridden and the controller parameter is used.
Since the params
object is a Map, you can use it to pass the current request parameters from one action to the next:
redirect(action: "next", params: params)
Finally, you can also include a fragment in the target URI:
redirect(controller: "test", action: "show", fragment: "profile")
which will (depending on the URL mappings) redirect to something like "/myapp/test/show#profile".
Actions can also be chained. Chaining allows the model to be retained from one action to the next. For example calling the first
action in this action:
class ExampleChainController {
def first() {
chain(action: second, model: [one: 1])
def second () {
chain(action: third, model: [two: 2])
def third() {
[three: 3])
results in the model:
[one: 1, two: 2, three: 3]
The model can be accessed in subsequent controller actions in the chain using the chainModel
map. This dynamic property only exists in actions following the call to the chain
class ChainController {
def nextInChain() {
def model = chainModel.myModel
Like the redirect
method you can also pass parameters to the chain
chain(action: "action1", model: [one: 1], params: [myparam: "param1"])
The chain method uses the HTTP session and hence should only be used if your application is stateful. |
8.1.5 Data Binding
Data binding is the act of "binding" incoming request parameters onto the properties of an object or an entire graph of objects. Data binding should deal with all necessary type conversion since request parameters, which are typically delivered by a form submission, are always strings whilst the properties of a Groovy or Java object may well not be.
Map Based Binding
The data binder is capable of converting and assigning values in a Map to properties of an object. The binder will associate entries in the Map to properties of the object using the keys in the Map that have values which correspond to property names on the object. The following code demonstrates the basics:
class Person {
String firstName
String lastName
Integer age
def bindingMap = [firstName: 'Peter', lastName: 'Gabriel', age: 63]
def person = new Person(bindingMap)
assert person.firstName == 'Peter'
assert person.lastName == 'Gabriel'
assert person.age == 63
To update properties of a domain object you may assign a Map to the properties
property of the domain class:
def bindingMap = [firstName: 'Peter', lastName: 'Gabriel', age: 63]
def person = Person.get(someId) = bindingMap
assert person.firstName == 'Peter'
assert person.lastName == 'Gabriel'
assert person.age == 63
The binder can populate a full graph of objects using Maps of Maps.
class Person {
String firstName
String lastName
Integer age
Address homeAddress
class Address {
String county
String country
def bindingMap = [firstName: 'Peter', lastName: 'Gabriel', age: 63, homeAddress: [county: 'Surrey', country: 'England'] ]
def person = new Person(bindingMap)
assert person.firstName == 'Peter'
assert person.lastName == 'Gabriel'
assert person.age == 63
assert person.homeAddress.county == 'Surrey'
assert == 'England'
Binding To Collections And Maps
The data binder can populate and update Collections and Maps. The following code shows a simple example of populating a List
of objects in a domain class:
class Band {
String name
static hasMany = [albums: Album]
List albums
class Album {
String title
Integer numberOfTracks
def bindingMap = [name: 'Genesis',
'albums[0]': [title: 'Foxtrot', numberOfTracks: 6],
'albums[1]': [title: 'Nursery Cryme', numberOfTracks: 7]]
def band = new Band(bindingMap)
assert == 'Genesis'
assert band.albums.size() == 2
assert band.albums[0].title == 'Foxtrot'
assert band.albums[0].numberOfTracks == 6
assert band.albums[1].title == 'Nursery Cryme'
assert band.albums[1].numberOfTracks == 7
That code would work in the same way if albums
were an array instead of a List
Note that when binding to a Set
the structure of the Map
being bound to the Set
is the same as that of a Map
being bound to a List
but since a Set
is unordered, the indexes don’t necessarily correspond to the order of elements in the Set
. In the code example above, if albums
were a Set
instead of a List
, the bindingMap
could look exactly the same but 'Foxtrot' might be the first album in the Set
or it might be the second. When updating existing elements in a Set
the Map
being assigned to the Set
must have id
elements in it which represent the element in the Set
being updated, as in the following example:
* The value of the indexes 0 and 1 in albums[0] and albums[1] are arbitrary
* values that can be anything as long as they are unique within the Map.
* They do not correspond to the order of elements in albums because albums
* is a Set.
def bindingMap = ['albums[0]': [id: 9, title: 'The Lamb Lies Down On Broadway']
'albums[1]': [id: 4, title: 'Selling England By The Pound']]
def band = Band.get(someBandId)
* This will find the Album in albums that has an id of 9 and will set its title
* to 'The Lamb Lies Down On Broadway' and will find the Album in albums that has
* an id of 4 and set its title to 'Selling England By The Pound'. In both
* cases if the Album cannot be found in albums then the album will be retrieved
* from the database by id, the Album will be added to albums and will be updated
* with the values described above. If a Album with the specified id cannot be
* found in the database, then a binding error will be created and associated
* with the band object. More on binding errors later.
*/ = bindingMap
When binding to a Map
the structure of the binding Map
is the same as the structure of a Map
used for binding to a List
or a Set
and the index inside of square brackets corresponds to the key in the Map
being bound to. See the following code:
class Album {
String title
static hasMany = [players: Player]
Map players
class Player {
String name
def bindingMap = [title: 'The Lamb Lies Down On Broadway',
'players[guitar]': [name: 'Steve Hackett'],
'players[vocals]': [name: 'Peter Gabriel'],
'players[keyboards]': [name: 'Tony Banks']]
def album = new Album(bindingMap)
assert album.title == 'The Lamb Lies Down On Broadway'
assert album.players.size() == 3
assert == 'Steve Hackett'
assert == 'Peter Gabriel'
assert == 'Tony Banks'
When updating an existing Map
, if the key specified in the binding Map
does not exist in the Map
being bound to then a new value will be created and added to the Map
with the specified key as in the following example:
def bindingMap = [title: 'The Lamb Lies Down On Broadway',
'players[guitar]': [name: 'Steve Hackett'],
'players[vocals]': [name: 'Peter Gabriel'],
'players[keyboards]': [name: 'Tony Banks']]
def album = new Album(bindingMap)
assert album.title == 'The Lamb Lies Down On Broadway'
assert album.players.size() == 3
assert == 'Steve Hackett'
assert == 'Peter Gabriel'
assert == 'Tony Banks'
def updatedBindingMap = ['players[drums]': [name: 'Phil Collins'],
'players[keyboards]': [name: 'Anthony George Banks']] = updatedBindingMap
assert album.title == 'The Lamb Lies Down On Broadway'
assert album.players.size() == 4
assert == 'Steve Hackett'
assert == 'Peter Gabriel'
assert == 'Anthony George Banks'
assert == 'Phil Collins'
Binding Request Data to the Model
The params object that is available in a controller has special behavior that helps convert dotted request parameter names into nested Maps that the data binder can work with. For example, if a request includes request parameters named
with values 'USA' and 'St. Louis' respectively, params
would include entries like these:
[person: [homeAddress: [country: 'USA', city: 'St. Louis']]]
There are two ways to bind request parameters onto the properties of a domain class. The first involves using a domain classes' Map constructor:
def save() {
def b = new Book(params)
The data binding happens within the code new Book(params)
. By passing the params object to the domain class constructor Grails automatically recognizes that you are trying to bind from request parameters. So if we had an incoming request like:
Then the title
and author
request parameters would automatically be set on the domain class. You can use the properties property to perform data binding onto an existing instance:
def save() {
def b = Book.get( = params
This has the same effect as using the implicit constructor.
When binding an empty String (a String with no characters in it, not even spaces), the data binder will convert the empty String to null. This simplifies the most common case where the intent is to treat an empty form field as having the value null since there isn’t a way to actually submit a null as a request parameter. When this behavior is not desirable the application may assign the value directly.
The mass property binding mechanism will by default automatically trim all Strings at binding time. To disable this behavior set the grails.databinding.trimStrings
property to false in grails-app/conf/application.groovy
// the default value is true
grails.databinding.trimStrings = false
// ...
The mass property binding mechanism will by default automatically convert all empty Strings to null at binding time. To disable this behavior set the grails.databinding.convertEmptyStringsToNull
property to false in grails-app/conf/application.groovy
// the default value is true
grails.databinding.convertEmptyStringsToNull = false
// ...
The order of events is that the String trimming happens and then null conversion happens so if trimStrings
is true
and convertEmptyStringsToNull
is true
, not only will empty Strings be converted to null but also blank Strings. A blank String is any String such that the trim()
method returns an empty String.
These forms of data binding in Grails are very convenient, but also indiscriminate. In other words, they will bind all non-transient, typed instance properties of the target object, including ones that you may not want bound. Just because the form in your UI doesn’t submit all the properties, an attacker can still send malign data via a raw HTTP request. Fortunately, Grails also makes it easy to protect against such attacks - see the section titled "Data Binding and Security concerns" for more information. |
Data binding and Single-ended Associations
If you have a one-to-one
or many-to-one
association you can use Grails' data binding capability to update these relationships too. For example if you have an incoming request such as:
Grails will automatically detect the .id
suffix on the request parameter and look up the Author
instance for the given id when doing data binding such as:
def b = new Book(params)
An association property can be set to null
by passing the literal String
"null". For example:
Data Binding and Many-ended Associations
If you have a one-to-many or many-to-many association there are different techniques for data binding depending of the association type.
If you have a Set
based association (the default for a hasMany
) then the simplest way to populate an association is to send a list of identifiers. For example consider the usage of <g:select>
<g:select name="books"
size="5" multiple="yes" optionKey="id"
value="${author?.books}" />
This produces a select box that lets you select multiple values. In this case if you submit the form Grails will automatically use the identifiers from the select box to populate the books
However, if you have a scenario where you want to update the properties of the associated objects the this technique won’t work. Instead you use the subscript operator:
<g:textField name="books[0].title" value="the Stand" />
<g:textField name="books[1].title" value="the Shining" />
However, with Set
based association it is critical that you render the mark-up in the same order that you plan to do the update in. This is because a Set
has no concept of order, so although we’re referring to books[0]
and books[1]
it is not guaranteed that the order of the association will be correct on the server side unless you apply some explicit sorting yourself.
This is not a problem if you use List
based associations, since a List
has a defined order and an index you can refer to. This is also true of Map
based associations.
Note also that if the association you are binding to has a size of two and you refer to an element that is outside the size of association:
<g:textField name="books[0].title" value="the Stand" />
<g:textField name="books[1].title" value="the Shining" />
<g:textField name="books[2].title" value="Red Madder" />
Then Grails will automatically create a new instance for you at the defined position.
You can bind existing instances of the associated type to a List
using the same .id
syntax as you would use with a single-ended association. For example:
<g:select name="books[0].id" from="${bookList}"
value="${author?.books[0]?.id}" />
<g:select name="books[1].id" from="${bookList}"
value="${author?.books[1]?.id}" />
<g:select name="books[2].id" from="${bookList}"
value="${author?.books[2]?.id}" />
Would allow individual entries in the books List
to be selected separately.
Entries at particular indexes can be removed in the same way too. For example:
<g:select name="books[0].id"
noSelection="['null': '']"/>
Will render a select box that will remove the association at books[0]
if the empty option is chosen.
Binding to a Map
property works the same way except that the list index in the parameter name is replaced by the map key:
<g:select name="images[cover].id"
noSelection="['null': '']"/>
This would bind the selected image into the Map
property images
under a key of "cover"
When binding to Maps, Arrays and Collections the data binder will automatically grow the size of the collections as necessary.
The default limit to how large the binder will grow a collection is 256. If the data binder encounters an entry that requires the collection be grown beyond that limit, the entry is ignored. The limit may be configured by assigning a value to the grails.databinding.autoGrowCollectionLimit property in application.groovy .
// the default value is 256
grails.databinding.autoGrowCollectionLimit = 128
// ...
Data binding with Multiple domain classes
It is possible to bind data to multiple domain objects from the params object.
For example so you have an incoming request to:
You’ll notice the difference with the above request is that each parameter has a prefix such as author.
or book.
which is used to isolate which parameters belong to which type. Grails' params
object is like a multi-dimensional hash and you can index into it to isolate only a subset of the parameters to bind.
def b = new Book(
Notice how we use the prefix before the first dot of the book.title
parameter to isolate only parameters below this level to bind. We could do the same with an Author
domain class:
def a = new Author(
Data Binding and Action Arguments
Controller action arguments are subject to request parameter data binding. There are 2 categories of controller action arguments. The first category is command objects. Complex types are treated as command objects. See the Command Objects section of the user guide for details. The other category is basic object types. Supported types are the 8 primitives, their corresponding type wrappers and {javase}java.base/java/lang/String.html[java.lang.String]. The default behavior is to map request parameters to action arguments by name:
class AccountingController {
// accountNumber will be initialized with the value of params.accountNumber
// accountType will be initialized with params.accountType
def displayInvoice(String accountNumber, int accountType) {
// ...
For primitive arguments and arguments which are instances of any of the primitive type wrapper classes a type conversion has to be carried out before the request parameter value can be bound to the action argument. The type conversion happens automatically. In a case like the example shown above, the params.accountType
request parameter has to be converted to an int
. If type conversion fails for any reason, the argument will have its default value per normal Java behavior (null for type wrapper references, false for booleans and zero for numbers) and a corresponding error will be added to the errors
property of the defining controller.
Since "bogusValue" cannot be converted to type int, the value of accountType will be zero, the controller’s errors.hasErrors()
will be true, the controller’s errors.errorCount
will be equal to 1 and the controller’s errors.getFieldError('accountType')
will contain the corresponding error.
If the argument name does not match the name of the request parameter then the @grails.web.RequestParameter
annotation may be applied to an argument to express the name of the request parameter which should be bound to that argument:
import grails.web.RequestParameter
class AccountingController {
// mainAccountNumber will be initialized with the value of params.accountNumber
// accountType will be initialized with params.accountType
def displayInvoice(@RequestParameter('accountNumber') String mainAccountNumber, int accountType) {
// ...
Data binding and type conversion errors
Sometimes when performing data binding it is not possible to convert a particular String into a particular target type. This results in a type conversion error. Grails will retain type conversion errors inside the errors property of a Grails domain class. For example:
class Book {
URL publisherURL
Here we have a domain class Book
that uses the
class to represent URLs. Given an incoming request such as:
it is not possible to bind the string a-bad-url
to the publisherURL
property as a type mismatch error occurs. You can check for these like this:
def b = new Book(params)
if (b.hasErrors()) {
println "The value ${b.errors.getFieldError('publisherURL').rejectedValue}" +
" is not a valid URL!"
Although we have not yet covered error codes (for more information see the section on validation), for type conversion errors you would want a message from the grails-app/i18n/
file to use for the error. You can use a generic error message handler such as: field {0} is not a valid URL
Or a more specific one:
typeMismatch.Book.publisherURL=The publisher URL you specified is not a valid URL
The BindUsing Annotation
The {apiDocs}grails/databinding/BindUsing.html[BindUsing] annotation may be used to define a custom binding mechanism for a particular field in a class. Any time data binding is being applied to the field the closure value of the annotation will be invoked with 2 arguments. The first argument is the object that data binding is being applied to and the second argument is {apiDocs}grails/databinding/DataBindingSource.html[DataBindingSource] which is the data source for the data binding. The value returned from the closure will be bound to the property. The following example would result in the upper case version of the name
value in the source being applied to the name
field during data binding.
import grails.databinding.BindUsing
class SomeClass {
@BindUsing({obj, source ->
//source is DataSourceBinding which is similar to a Map
//and defines getAt operation but cannot be used here.
//In order to get name from source use getAt instead as shown below.
String name
Note that data binding is only possible when the name of the request parameter matches with the field name in the class.
Here, name from request parameters matches with name from SomeClass .
The {apiDocs}grails/databinding/BindUsing.html[BindUsing] annotation may be used to define a custom binding mechanism for all of the fields on a particular class. When the annotation is applied to a class, the value assigned to the annotation should be a class which implements the {apiDocs}grails/databinding/BindingHelper.html[BindingHelper] interface. An instance of that class will be used any time a value is bound to a property in the class that this annotation has been applied to.
class SomeClass {
String someProperty
Integer someOtherProperty
The BindInitializer Annotation
The {apiDocs}grails/databinding/BindInitializer.html[BindInitializer] annotation may be used to initialize an associated field in a class if it is undefined. Unlike the {apiDocs}grails/databinding/BindUsing.html[BindUsing] annotation, databinding will continue binding all nested properties on this association.
import grails.databinding.BindInitializer
class Account{}
class User {
Account account
// BindInitializer expects you to return a instance of the type
// where it's declared on. You can use source as a parameter, in this case user.
@BindInitializer({user-> new Contact(account:user.account) })
Contact contact
class Contact{
Account account
String firstName
@BindInitializer only makes sense for associated entities, as per this use case. |
Custom Data Converters
The binder will do a lot of type conversion automatically. Some applications may want to define their own mechanism for converting values and a simple way to do this is to write a class which implements {apiDocs}grails/databinding/converters/ValueConverter.html[ValueConverter] and register an instance of that class as a bean in the Spring application context.
package com.myapp.converters
import grails.databinding.converters.ValueConverter
* A custom converter which will convert String of the
* form 'city:state' into an Address object.
class AddressValueConverter implements ValueConverter {
boolean canConvert(value) {
value instanceof String
def convert(value) {
def pieces = value.split(':')
new com.myapp.Address(city: pieces[0], state: pieces[1])
Class<?> getTargetType() {
An instance of that class needs to be registered as a bean in the Spring application context. The bean name is not important. All beans that implemented ValueConverter will be automatically plugged in to the data binding process.
beans = {
addressConverter com.myapp.converters.AddressValueConverter
// ...
class Person {
String firstName
Address homeAddress
class Address {
String city
String state
def person = new Person() = [firstName: 'Jeff', homeAddress: "O'Fallon:Missouri"]
assert person.firstName == 'Jeff'
assert = "O'Fallon"
assert person.homeAddress.state = 'Missouri'
Date Formats For Data Binding
A custom date format may be specified to be used when binding a String to a Date value by applying the {apiDocs}grails/databinding/BindingFormat.html[BindingFormat] annotation to a Date field.
import grails.databinding.BindingFormat
class Person {
Date birthDate
A global setting may be configured in application.groovy
to define date formats which will be used application wide when binding to Date.
grails.databinding.dateFormats = ['MMddyyyy', 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.S', "yyyy-MM-dd'T'hh:mm:ss'Z'"]
The formats specified in grails.databinding.dateFormats
will be attempted in the order in which they are included in the List. If a property is marked with @BindingFormat
, the @BindingFormat
will take precedence over the values specified in grails.databinding.dateFormats
The formats configured by default are:
yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.S
yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.S z
Custom Formatted Converters
You may supply your own handler for the {apiDocs}grails/databinding/BindingFormat.html[BindingFormat] annotation by writing a class which implements the {apiDocs}grails/databinding/converters/FormattedValueConverter.html[FormattedValueConverter] interface and registering an instance of that class as a bean in the Spring application context. Below is an example of a trivial custom String formatter that might convert the case of a String based on the value assigned to the BindingFormat annotation.
package com.myapp.converters
import grails.databinding.converters.FormattedValueConverter
class FormattedStringValueConverter implements FormattedValueConverter {
def convert(value, String format) {
if('UPPERCASE' == format) {
value = value.toUpperCase()
} else if('LOWERCASE' == format) {
value = value.toLowerCase()
Class getTargetType() {
// specifies the type to which this converter may be applied
An instance of that class needs to be registered as a bean in the Spring application context. The bean name is not important. All beans that implemented FormattedValueConverter will be automatically plugged in to the data binding process.
beans = {
formattedStringConverter com.myapp.converters.FormattedStringValueConverter
// ...
With that in place the BindingFormat
annotation may be applied to String fields to inform the data binder to take advantage of the custom converter.
import grails.databinding.BindingFormat
class Person {
String someUpperCaseString
String someLowerCaseString
String someOtherString
Localized Binding Formats
The BindingFormat
annotation supports localized format strings by using the optional code
attribute. If a value is assigned to the code attribute that value will be used as the message code to retrieve the binding format string from the messageSource
bean in the Spring application context and that lookup will be localized.
import grails.databinding.BindingFormat
class Person {
Date birthDate
# grails-app/conf/i18n/
# grails-app/conf/i18n/
Structured Data Binding Editors
A structured data binding editor is a helper class which can bind structured request parameters to a property. The common use case for structured binding is binding to a Date
object which might be constructed from several smaller pieces of information contained in several request parameters with names like birthday_month
, birthday_date
and birthday_year
. The structured editor would retrieve all of those individual pieces of information and use them to construct a Date
The framework provides a structured editor for binding to Date
objects. An application may register its own structured editors for whatever types are appropriate. Consider the following classes:
package databinding
class Gadget {
Shape expandedShape
Shape compressedShape
package databinding
class Shape {
int area
A Gadget
has 2 Shape
fields. A Shape
has an area
property. It may be that the application wants to accept request parameters like width
and height
and use those to calculate the area
of a Shape
at binding time. A structured binding editor is well suited for that.
The way to register a structured editor with the data binding process is to add an instance of the {apiDocs}grails/databinding/TypedStructuredBindingEditor.html[grails.databinding.TypedStructuredBindingEditor] interface to the Spring application context. The easiest way to implement the TypedStructuredBindingEditor
interface is to extend the {apiDocs}org/grails/databinding/converters/AbstractStructuredDateBindingEditor.html[org.grails.databinding.converters.AbstractStructuredBindingEditor] abstract class and override the getPropertyValue
method as shown below:
package databinding.converters
import databinding.Shape
import org.grails.databinding.converters.AbstractStructuredBindingEditor
class StructuredShapeEditor extends AbstractStructuredBindingEditor<Shape> {
public Shape getPropertyValue(Map values) {
// retrieve the individual values from the Map
def width = values.width as int
def height = values.height as int
// use the values to calculate the area of the Shape
def area = width * height
// create and return a Shape with the appropriate area
new Shape(area: area)
An instance of that class needs to be registered with the Spring application context:
beans = {
shapeEditor databinding.converters.StructuredShapeEditor
// ...
When the data binder binds to an instance of the Gadget
class it will check to see if there are request parameters with names compressedShape
and expandedShape
which have a value of "struct" and if they do exist, that will trigger the use of the StructuredShapeEditor
. The individual components of the structure need to have parameter names of the form propertyName_structuredElementName. In the case of the Gadget
class above that would mean that the compressedShape
request parameter should have a value of "struct" and the compressedShape_width
and compressedShape_height
parameters should have values which represent the width and the height of the compressed Shape
. Similarly, the expandedShape
request parameter should have a value of "struct" and the expandedShape_width
and expandedShape_height
parameters should have values which represent the width and the height of the expanded Shape
class DemoController {
def createGadget(Gadget gadget) {
// with the request parameters shown above gadget.expandedShape.area would be 2400
// and gadget.compressedShape.area would be 30
// ...
Typically the request parameters with "struct" as their value would be represented by hidden form fields.
Data Binding Event Listeners
The {apiDocs}grails/databinding/events/DataBindingListener.html[DataBindingListener] interface provides a mechanism for listeners to be notified of data binding events. The interface looks like this:
import grails.databinding.errors.BindingError;
* A listener which will be notified of events generated during data binding.
* @author Jeff Brown
* @since 3.0
* @see DataBindingListenerAdapter
public interface DataBindingListener {
* @return true if the listener is interested in events for the specified type.
boolean supports(Class<?> clazz);
* Called when data binding is about to start.
* @param target The object data binding is being imposed upon
* @param errors the Spring Errors instance (a org.springframework.validation.BindingResult)
* @return true if data binding should continue
Boolean beforeBinding(Object target, Object errors);
* Called when data binding is about to imposed on a property
* @param target The object data binding is being imposed upon
* @param propertyName The name of the property being bound to
* @param value The value of the property being bound
* @param errors the Spring Errors instance (a org.springframework.validation.BindingResult)
* @return true if data binding should continue, otherwise return false
Boolean beforeBinding(Object target, String propertyName, Object value, Object errors);
* Called after data binding has been imposed on a property
* @param target The object data binding is being imposed upon
* @param propertyName The name of the property that was bound to
* @param errors the Spring Errors instance (a org.springframework.validation.BindingResult)
void afterBinding(Object target, String propertyName, Object errors);
* Called after data binding has finished.
* @param target The object data binding is being imposed upon
* @param errors the Spring Errors instance (a org.springframework.validation.BindingResult)
void afterBinding(Object target, Object errors);
* Called when an error occurs binding to a property
* @param error encapsulates information about the binding error
* @param errors the Spring Errors instance (a org.springframework.validation.BindingResult)
* @see BindingError
void bindingError(BindingError error, Object errors);
Any bean in the Spring application context which implements that interface will automatically be registered with the data binder. The {apiDocs}grails/databinding/events/DataBindingListenerAdapter.html[DataBindingListenerAdapter] class implements the DataBindingListener
interface and provides default implementations for all of the methods in the interface so this class is well suited for subclassing so your listener class only needs to provide implementations for the methods your listener is interested in.
Using The Data Binder Directly
There are situations where an application may want to use the data binder directly. For example, to do binding in a Service on some arbitrary object which is not a domain class. The following will not work because the properties
property is read only.
package bindingdemo
class Widget {
String name
Integer size
package bindingdemo
class WidgetService {
def updateWidget(Widget widget, Map data) {
// this will throw an exception because
// properties is read-only = data
An instance of the data binder is in the Spring application context with a bean name of grailsWebDataBinder
. That bean implements the {apiDocs}grails/databinding/DataBinder.html[DataBinder] interface. The following code demonstrates using the data binder directly.
package bindingdemo
import grails.databinding.SimpleMapDataBindingSource
class WidgetService {
// this bean will be autowired into the service
def grailsWebDataBinder
def updateWidget(Widget widget, Map data) {
grailsWebDataBinder.bind widget, data as SimpleMapDataBindingSource
See the {apiDocs}grails/databinding/DataBinder.html[DataBinder] documentation for more information about overloaded versions
of the bind
Data Binding and Security Concerns
When batch updating properties from request parameters you need to be careful not to allow clients to bind malicious data to domain classes and be persisted in the database. You can limit what properties are bound to a given domain class using the subscript operator:
def p = Person.get(1)['firstName','lastName'] = params
In this case only the firstName
and lastName
properties will be bound.
Another way to do this is is to use Command Objects as the target of data binding instead of domain classes. Alternatively there is also the flexible bindData method.
The bindData
method allows the same data binding capability, but to arbitrary objects:
def p = new Person()
bindData(p, params)
The bindData
method also lets you exclude certain parameters that you don’t want updated:
def p = new Person()
bindData(p, params, [exclude: 'dateOfBirth'])
Or include only certain properties:
def p = new Person()
bindData(p, params, [include: ['firstName', 'lastName']])
If an empty List is provided as a value for the include parameter then all fields will be subject to binding if they are not explicitly excluded.
The bindable constraint can be used to globally prevent data binding for certain properties.
8.1.6 Responding with JSON
Using the respond method to output JSON
The respond
method is the preferred way to return JSON and integrates with Content Negotiation and JSON Views.
The respond
method provides content negotiation strategies to intelligently produce an appropriate response for the given client.
For example given the following controller and action:
package example
class BookController {
def index() {
respond Book.list()
The respond
method will take the followings steps:
If the client
header specifies a media type (for exampleapplication/json
) use that -
If the file extension of the URI (for example
) includes a format defined in thegrails.mime.types
property ofgrails-app/conf/application.yml
use the media type defined in the configuration
The respond
method will then look for an appriopriate Renderer for the object and the calculated media type from the RendererRegistry.
Grails includes a number of pre-configured Renderer
implementations that will produce default representations of JSON responses for the argument passed to respond
. For example going to the /book.json
URI will produce JSON such as:
{id:1,"title":"The Stand"},
Controlling the Priority of Media Types
By default if you define a controller there is no priority in terms of which format is sent back to the client and Grails assumes you wish to serve HTML as a response type.
However if your application is primarily an API, then you can specify the priorty using the responseFormats
package example
class BookController {
static responseFormats = ['json', 'html']
def index() {
respond Book.list()
In the above example Grails will respond by default with json
if the media type to respond with cannot be calculated from the Accept
header or file extension.
Using Views to Output JSON Responses
If you define a view (either a GSP or a JSON View) then Grails will render the view when using the respond
method by calculating a model from the argument passed to respond
For example, in the previous listing, if you were to define grails-app/views/index.gson
and grails-app/views/index.gsp
views, these would be used if the client requested application/json
or text/html
media types respectively. Thus allowing you to define a single backend capable of serving responses to a web browser or representing your application’s API.
When rendering the view, Grails will calculate a model to pass to the view based on the type of the value passed to the respond
The following table summarizes this convention:
Example | Argument Type | Calculated Model Variable |
Using this convention you can reference the argument passed to respond
from within your view:
@Field List<Book> bookList = []
json bookList, { Book book ->
title book.title
You will notice that if Book.list()
returns an empty list then the model variable name is translated to emptyList
. This is by design and you should provide a default value in the view if no model variable is specified, such as the List
in the example above:
// defaults to an empty list
@Field List<Book> bookList = []
There are cases where you may wish to be more explicit and control the name of the model variable. For example if you have a domain inheritance hierarchy where a call to list()
my return different child classes relying on automatic calculation may not be reliable.
In this case you should pass the model directly using respond
and a map argument:
respond bookList: Book.list()
When responding with any kind of mixed argument types in a collection, always use an explicit model name. |
If you simply wish to augment the calculated model then you can do so by passing a model
respond Book.list(), [model: [bookCount: Book.count()]]
The above example will produce a model like [bookList:books, bookCount:totalBooks]
, where the calculated model is combined with the model passed in the model
Using the render method to output JSON
The render
method can also be used to output JSON, but should only be used for simple cases that don’t warrant the creation of a JSON view:
def list() {
def results = Book.list()
render(contentType: "application/json") {
books(results) { Book b ->
title b.title
In this case the result would be something along the lines of:
{"title":"The Stand"},
This technique for rendering JSON may be ok for very simple responses, but in general you should favour the use of JSON Views and use the view layer rather than embedding logic in your application. |
The same dangers with naming conflicts described above for XML also apply to JSON building.
8.1.7 More on JSONBuilder
The previous section on XML and JSON responses covered simplistic examples of rendering XML and JSON responses. Whilst the XML builder used by Grails is the standard XmlSlurper found in Groovy.
For JSON, since Grails 3.1, Grails uses Groovy’s StreamingJsonBuilder by default and you can refer to the Groovy documentation and {groovyapi}groovy/json/StreamingJsonBuilder.html[StreamingJsonBuilder] API documentation on how to use it.
8.1.8 Responding with XML
8.1.9 Uploading Files
Programmatic File Uploads
Grails supports file uploads using Spring’s {springapi}org/springframework/web/multipart/MultipartHttpServletRequest.html[MultipartHttpServletRequest] interface. The first step for file uploading is to create a multipart form like this:
Upload Form: <br />
<g:uploadForm action="upload">
<input type="file" name="myFile" />
<input type="submit" />
The uploadForm
tag conveniently adds the enctype="multipart/form-data"
attribute to the standard <g:form>
There are then a number of ways to handle the file upload. One is to work with the Spring {springapi}org/springframework/web/multipart/MultipartFile.html[MultipartFile] instance directly:
def upload() {
def f = request.getFile('myFile')
if (f.empty) {
flash.message = 'file cannot be empty'
render(view: 'uploadForm')
f.transferTo(new File('/some/local/dir/myfile.txt'))
response.sendError(200, 'Done')
This is convenient for doing transfers to other destinations and manipulating the file directly as you can obtain an InputStream
and so on with the {springapi}org/springframework/web/multipart/MultipartFile.html[MultipartFile] interface.
File Uploads through Data Binding
File uploads can also be performed using data binding. Consider this Image
domain class:
class Image {
byte[] myFile
static constraints = {
// Limit upload file size to 2MB
myFile maxSize: 1024 * 1024 * 2
If you create an image using the params
object in the constructor as in the example below, Grails will automatically bind the file’s contents as a byte[]
to the myFile
def img = new Image(params)
It’s important that you set the size or maxSize constraints, otherwise your database may be created with a small column size that can’t handle reasonably sized files. For example, both H2 and MySQL default to a blob size of 255 bytes for byte[]
It is also possible to set the contents of the file as a string by changing the type of the myFile
property on the image to a String type:
class Image {
String myFile
Increase Upload Max File Size
Grails default size for file uploads is 128000 (~128KB). When this limit is exceeded you’ll see the following exception:
org.springframework.web.multipart.MultipartException: Could not parse multipart servlet request; nested exception is java.lang.IllegalStateException: org.apache.tomcat.util.http.fileupload.FileUploadBase$SizeLimitExceededException
You can configure the limit in your application.yml
as follows:
maxFileSize: 2000000
maxRequestSize: 2000000
= The maximum size allowed for uploaded files.
= The maximum size allowed for multipart/form-data requests.
You should keep in mind OWASP recommendations - Unrestricted File Upload
Limit the file size to a maximum value in order to prevent denial of service attacks. |
These limits exist to prevent DoS attacks and to enforce overall application performance
8.1.10 Command Objects
Grails controllers support the concept of command objects. A command object is a class that is used in conjunction with data binding, usually to allow validation of data that may not fit into an existing domain class.
A class is only considered to be a command object when it is used as a parameter of an action. |
Declaring Command Objects
Command object classes are defined just like any other class.
class LoginCommand implements grails.validation.Validateable {
String username
String password
static constraints = {
username(blank: false, minSize: 6)
password(blank: false, minSize: 6)
In this example, the command object class implements the Validateable
trait. The Validateable
trait allows the definition of Constraints just like in domain classes. If the command object is defined in the same source file as the controller that is using it, Grails will automatically make it Validateable
. It is not required that command object classes be validateable.
By default, all Validateable
object properties which are not instances of java.util.Collection
or java.util.Map
are nullable: false
. Instances of java.util.Collection
and java.util.Map
default to nullable: true
. If you want a Validateable
that has nullable: true
properties by default, you can specify this by defining a defaultNullable
method in the class:
class AuthorSearchCommand implements grails.validation.Validateable {
String name
Integer age
static boolean defaultNullable() {
In this example, both name
and age
will allow null values during validation.
Using Command Objects
To use command objects, controller actions may optionally specify any number of command object parameters. The parameter types must be supplied so that Grails knows what objects to create and initialize.
Before the controller action is executed Grails will automatically create an instance of the command object class and populate its properties by binding the request parameters. If the command object class is marked with Validateable
then the command object will be validated. For example:
class LoginController {
def login(LoginCommand cmd) {
if (cmd.hasErrors()) {
redirect(action: 'loginForm')
// work with the command object data
If the command object’s type is that of a domain class and there is an id
request parameter then instead of invoking the domain class constructor to create a new instance a call will be made to the static get
method on the domain class and the value of the id
parameter will be passed as an argument.
Whatever is returned from that call to get
is what will be passed into the controller action. This means that if there is an id
request parameter and no corresponding record is found in the database then the value of the command object will be null
. If an error occurs retrieving the instance from the database then null
will be passed as an argument to the controller action and an error will be added the controller’s errors
If the command object’s type is a domain class and there is no id
request parameter or there is an id
request parameter and its value is empty then null
will be passed into the controller action unless the HTTP request method is "POST", in which case a new instance of the domain class will be created by invoking the domain class constructor. For all of the cases where the domain class instance is non-null, data binding is only performed if the HTTP request method is "POST", "PUT" or "PATCH".
Command Objects And Request Parameter Names
Normally request parameter names will be mapped directly to property names in the command object. Nested parameter names may be used to bind down the object graph in an intuitive way.
In the example below a request parameter named name
will be bound to the name
property of the Person
instance and a request parameter named
will be bound to the city
property of the address
property in the Person
class StoreController {
def buy(Person buyer) {
// ...
class Person {
String name
Address address
class Address {
String city
A problem may arise if a controller action accepts multiple command objects which happen to contain the same property name. Consider the following example.
class StoreController {
def buy(Person buyer, Product product) {
// ...
class Person {
String name
Address address
class Address {
String city
class Product {
String name
If there is a request parameter named name
it isn’t clear if that should represent the name of the Product
or the name of the Person
. Another version of the problem can come up if a controller action accepts 2 command objects of the same type as shown below.
class StoreController {
def buy(Person buyer, Person seller, Product product) {
// ...
class Person {
String name
Address address
class Address {
String city
class Product {
String name
To help deal with this the framework imposes special rules for mapping parameter names to command object types. The command object data binding will treat all parameters that begin with the controller action parameter name as belonging to the corresponding command object.
For example, the
request parameter will be bound to the name
property in the product
argument, the
request parameter will be bound to the name
property in the buyer
argument the
request parameter will be bound to the city
property of the address
property of the seller
argument, etc…
Command Objects and Dependency Injection
Command objects can participate in dependency injection. This is useful if your command object has some custom validation logic which uses a Grails service:
class LoginCommand implements grails.validation.Validateable {
def loginService
String username
String password
static constraints = {
username validator: { val, obj ->
obj.loginService.canLogin(obj.username, obj.password)
In this example the command object interacts with the loginService
bean which is injected by name from the Spring ApplicationContext
Binding The Request Body To Command Objects
When a request is made to a controller action which accepts a command object and the request contains a body, Grails will attempt to parse the body of the request based on the request content type and use the body to do data binding on the command object. See the following example.
package bindingdemo
class DemoController {
def createWidget(Widget w) {
render "Name: ${w?.name}, Size: ${w?.size}"
class Widget {
String name
Integer size
$ curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"name":"Some Widget","42"}'[size] localhost:8080/demo/createWidget
Name: Some Widget, Size: 42
$ curl -H "Content-Type: application/xml" -d '<widget><name>Some Other Widget</name><size>2112</size></widget>' localhost:8080/bodybind/demo/createWidget
Name: Some Other Widget, Size: 2112
The request body will not be parsed under the following conditions:
Note that the body of the request is being parsed to make that work. Any attempt to read the body of the request after that will fail since the corresponding input stream will be empty. The controller action can either use a command object or it can parse the body of the request on its own (either directly, or by referring to something like request.JSON), but cannot do both.
package bindingdemo
class DemoController {
def createWidget(Widget w) {
// this will fail because it requires reading the body,
// which has already been read.
def json = request.JSON
// ...
Working with Lists of Command Objects
A common use case for command objects is a Command Object that contains a collection of another:
class DemoController {
def createAuthor(AuthorCommand command) {
// ...
class AuthorCommand {
String fullName
List<BookCommand> books
class BookCommand {
String title
String isbn
On this example, we want to create an Author with multiple Books.
In order to make this work from the UI layer, you can do the following in your GSP:
<g:form name="submit-author-books" controller="demo" action="createAuthor">
<g:fieldValue name="fullName" value=""/>
<g:fieldValue name="books[0].title" value=""/>
<g:fieldValue name="books[0].isbn" value=""/>
<g:fieldValue name="books[1].title" value=""/>
<g:fieldValue name="books[1].isbn" value=""/>
There is also support for JSON, so you can submit the following with correct databinding
"fullName": "Graeme Rocher",
"books": [{
"title": "The Definitive Guide to Grails",
"isbn": "1111-343455-1111"
}, {
"title": "The Definitive Guide to Grails 2",
"isbn": "1111-343455-1112"
8.1.11 Handling Duplicate Form Submissions
Grails has built-in support for handling duplicate form submissions using the "Synchronizer Token Pattern". To get started you define a token on the form tag:
<g:form useToken="true" ...>
Then in your controller code you can use the withForm method to handle valid and invalid requests:
withForm {
// good request
}.invalidToken {
// bad request
If you only provide the withForm method and not the chained invalidToken
method then by default Grails will store the invalid token in a flash.invalidToken
variable and redirect the request back to the original page. This can then be checked in the view:
<g:if test="${flash.invalidToken}">
Don't click the button twice!
The withForm tag makes use of the session and hence requires session affinity or clustered sessions if used in a cluster. |
8.1.12 Simple Type Converters
Type Conversion Methods
If you prefer to avoid the overhead of data binding and simply want to convert incoming parameters (typically Strings) into another more appropriate type the params object has a number of convenience methods for each type:
def total ='total')
The above example uses the int
method, and there are also methods for boolean
, long
, char
, short
and so on. Each of these methods is null-safe and safe from any parsing errors, so you don’t have to perform any additional checks on the parameters.
Each of the conversion methods allows a default value to be passed as an optional second argument. The default value will be returned if a corresponding entry cannot be found in the map or if an error occurs during the conversion. Example:
def total ='total', 42)
These same type conversion methods are also available on the attrs
parameter of GSP tags.
Handling Multi Parameters
A common use case is dealing with multiple request parameters of the same name. For example you could get a query string such as ?name=Bob&name=Judy
In this case dealing with one parameter and dealing with many has different semantics since Groovy’s iteration mechanics for String
iterate over each character. To avoid this problem the params object provides a list
method that always returns a list:
for (name in params.list('name')) {
println name
8.1.13 Declarative Controller Exception Handling
Grails controllers support a simple mechanism for declarative exception handling. If a controller declares a method that accepts a single argument and the argument type is java.lang.Exception
or some subclass of java.lang.Exception
, that method will be invoked any time an action in that controller throws an exception of that type. See the following example.
package demo
class DemoController {
def someAction() {
// do some work
def handleSQLException(SQLException e) {
render 'A SQLException Was Handled'
def handleBatchUpdateException(BatchUpdateException e) {
redirect controller: 'logging', action: 'batchProblem'
def handleNumberFormatException(NumberFormatException nfe) {
[problemDescription: 'A Number Was Invalid']
That controller will behave as if it were written something like this…
package demo
class DemoController {
def someAction() {
try {
// do some work
} catch (BatchUpdateException e) {
return handleBatchUpdateException(e)
} catch (SQLException e) {
return handleSQLException(e)
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
return handleNumberFormatException(e)
def handleSQLException(SQLException e) {
render 'A SQLException Was Handled'
def handleBatchUpdateException(BatchUpdateException e) {
redirect controller: 'logging', action: 'batchProblem'
def handleNumberFormatException(NumberFormatException nfe) {
[problemDescription: 'A Number Was Invalid']
The exception handler method names can be any valid method name. The name is not what makes the method an exception handler, the Exception
argument type is the important part.
The exception handler methods can do anything that a controller action can do including invoking render
, redirect
, returning a model, etc.
One way to share exception handler methods across multiple controllers is to use inheritance. Exception handler methods are inherited into subclasses so an application could define the exception handlers in an abstract class that multiple controllers extend from. Another way to share exception handler methods across multiple controllers is to use a trait, as shown below…
package com.demo
trait DatabaseExceptionHandler {
def handleSQLException(SQLException e) {
// handle SQLException
def handleBatchUpdateException(BatchUpdateException e) {
// handle BatchUpdateException
package com.demo
class DemoController implements DatabaseExceptionHandler {
// all of the exception handler methods defined
// in DatabaseExceptionHandler will be added to
// this class at compile time
Exception handler methods must be present at compile time. Specifically, exception handler methods which are runtime metaprogrammed onto a controller class are not supported.
8.2 Groovy Server Pages
Groovy Servers Pages (or GSP for short) is Grails' view technology. It is designed to be familiar for users of technologies such as ASP and JSP, but to be far more flexible and intuitive.
Although GSP can render any format, not just HTML, it is more designed around rendering markup. If you are looking for a way to simplify JSON responses take a look at JSON Views. |
GSPs live in the grails-app/views
directory and are typically rendered automatically (by convention) or with the render method such as:
render(view: "index")
A GSP is typically a mix of mark-up and GSP tags which aid in view rendering.
Although it is possible to have Groovy logic embedded in your GSP and doing this will be covered in this document, the practice is strongly discouraged. Mixing mark-up and code is a bad thing and most GSP pages contain no code and needn’t do so. |
A GSP typically has a "model" which is a set of variables that are used for view rendering. The model is passed to the GSP view from a controller. For example consider the following controller action:
def show() {
[book: Book.get(]
This action will look up a Book
instance and create a model that contains a key called book
. This key can then be referenced within the GSP view using the name book
Embedding data received from user input has the risk of making your application vulnerable to an Cross Site Scripting (XSS) attack. Please read the documentation on XSS prevention for information on how to prevent XSS attacks. |
For more information on using GSP please refer to the dedicated GSP documentation.
8.3 URL Mappings
Throughout the documentation so far the convention used for URLs has been the default of /controller/action/id
. However, this convention is not hard wired into Grails and is in fact controlled by a URL Mappings class located at grails-app/controllers/mypackage/UrlMappings.groovy
The UrlMappings
class contains a single property called mappings
that has been assigned a block of code:
package mypackage
class UrlMappings {
static mappings = {
8.3.1 Mapping to Controllers and Actions
To create a simple mapping simply use a relative URL as the method name and specify named parameters for the controller and action to map to:
"/product"(controller: "product", action: "list")
In this case we’ve mapped the URL /product
to the list
action of the ProductController
. Omit the action definition to map to the default action of the controller:
"/product"(controller: "product")
An alternative syntax is to assign the controller and action to use within a block passed to the method:
"/product" {
controller = "product"
action = "list"
Which syntax you use is largely dependent on personal preference.
If you have mappings that all fall under a particular path you can group mappings with the group
group "/product", {
"/apple"(controller:"product", id:"apple")
"/htc"(controller:"product", id:"htc")
You can also create nested group
url mappings:
group "/store", {
group "/product", {
To rewrite one URI onto another explicit URI (rather than a controller/action pair) do something like this:
"/hello"(uri: "/hello.dispatch")
Rewriting specific URIs is often useful when integrating with other frameworks.
8.3.2 Mapping to REST resources
Since Grails 2.3, it possible to create RESTful URL mappings that map onto controllers by convention. The syntax to do so is as follows:
You define a base URI and the name of the controller to map to using the resources
parameter. The above mapping will result in the following URLs:
HTTP Method | URI | Grails Action |
/books |
index |
/books/create |
create |
/books |
save |
/books/${id} |
show |
/books/${id}/edit |
edit |
/books/${id} |
update |
/books/${id} |
delete |
If you are not sure which mapping will be generated for your case just run the command url-mappings-report
in your grails console. It will give you a really neat report for all the url mappings.
If you wish to include or exclude any of the generated URL mappings you can do so with the includes
or excludes
parameter, which accepts the name of the Grails action to include or exclude:
"/books"(resources:'book', excludes:['delete', 'update'])
"/books"(resources:'book', includes:['index', 'show'])
Explicit REST Mappings
As of Grails 3.1, if you prefer not to rely on a resources
mapping to define your mappings then you can prefix any URL mapping with the HTTP method name (in lower case) to indicate the HTTP method it applies to. The following URL mapping:
Is equivalent to:
get "/books"(controller:"book", action:"index")
get "/books/create"(controller:"book", action:"create")
post "/books"(controller:"book", action:"save")
get "/books/$id"(controller:"book", action:"show")
get "/books/$id/edit"(controller:"book", action:"edit")
put "/books/$id"(controller:"book", action:"update")
delete "/books/$id"(controller:"book", action:"delete")
Notice how the HTTP method name is prefixed prior to each URL mapping definition.
Single resources
A single resource is a resource for which there is only one (possibly per user) in the system. You can create a single resource using the single
parameter (as opposed to resources
This results in the following URL mappings:
HTTP Method | URI | Grails Action |
/book/create |
create |
/book |
save |
/book |
show |
/book/edit |
edit |
/book |
update |
/book |
delete |
The main difference is that the id is not included in the URL mapping.
Nested Resources
You can nest resource mappings to generate child resources. For example:
"/books"(resources:'book') {
The above will result in the following URL mappings:
HTTP Method | URL | Grails Action |
/books/${bookId}/authors |
index |
/books/${bookId}/authors/create |
create |
/books/${bookId}/authors |
save |
/books/${bookId}/authors/${id} |
show |
/books/${bookId}/authors/edit/${id} |
edit |
/books/${bookId}/authors/${id} |
update |
/books/${bookId}/authors/${id} |
delete |
You can also nest regular URL mappings within a resource mapping:
"/books"(resources: "book") {
This will result in the following URL being available:
HTTP Method | URL | Grails Action |
/books/${bookId}/publisher |
index |
To map a URI directly below a resource then use a collection block:
"/books"(resources: "book") {
collection {
This will result in the following URL being available (without the ID):
HTTP Method | URL | Grails Action |
/books/publisher |
index |
Linking to RESTful Mappings
You can link to any URL mapping created with the g:link
tag provided by Grails simply by referencing the controller and action to link to:
<g:link controller="book" action="index">My Link</g:link>
As a convenience you can also pass a domain instance to the resource
attribute of the link
<g:link resource="${book}">My Link</g:link>
This will automatically produce the correct link (in this case "/books/1" for an id of "1").
The case of nested resources is a little different as they typically required two identifiers (the id of the resource and the one it is nested within). For example given the nested resources:
"/books"(resources:'book') {
If you wished to link to the show
action of the author
controller, you would write:
// Results in /books/1/authors/2
<g:link controller="author" action="show" method="GET" params="[bookId:1]" id="2">The Author</g:link>
However, to make this more concise there is a resource
attribute to the link tag which can be used instead:
// Results in /books/1/authors/2
<g:link resource="book/author" action="show" bookId="1" id="2">My Link</g:link>
The resource attribute accepts a path to the resource separated by a slash (in this case "book/author"). The attributes of the tag can be used to specify the necessary bookId
8.3.3 Redirects In URL Mappings
Since Grails 2.3, it is possible to define URL mappings which specify a redirect. When a URL mapping specifies a redirect, any time that mapping matches an incoming request, a redirect is initiated with information provided by the mapping.
When a URL mapping specifies a redirect the mapping must either supply a String
representing a URI to redirect to or must provide a Map representing the target
of the redirect. That Map is structured just like the Map that may be passed
as an argument to the redirect
method in a controller.
"/viewBooks"(redirect: [uri: '/books/list'])
"/viewAuthors"(redirect: [controller: 'author', action: 'list'])
"/viewPublishers"(redirect: [controller: 'publisher', action: 'list', permanent: true])
Request parameters that were part of the original request will not be included in the redirect by default. To include
them it is necessary to add the parameter keepParamsWhenRedirect: true
"/viewBooks"(redirect: [uri: '/books/list', keepParamsWhenRedirect: true])
"/viewAuthors"(redirect: [controller: 'author', action: 'list', keepParamsWhenRedirect: true])
"/viewPublishers"(redirect: [controller: 'publisher', action: 'list', permanent: true, keepParamsWhenRedirect: true])
8.3.4 Embedded Variables
Simple Variables
The previous section demonstrated how to map simple URLs with concrete "tokens". In URL mapping speak tokens are the sequence of characters between each slash, '/'. A concrete token is one which is well defined such as as /product
. However, in many circumstances you don’t know what the value of a particular token will be until runtime. In this case you can use variable placeholders within the URL for example:
static mappings = {
"/product/$id"(controller: "product")
In this case by embedding a $id variable as the second token Grails will automatically map the second token into a parameter (available via the params object) called id
. For example given the URL /product/MacBook
, the following code will render "MacBook" to the response:
class ProductController {
def index() { render }
You can of course construct more complex examples of mappings. For example the traditional blog URL format could be mapped as follows:
static mappings = {
"/$blog/$year/$month/$day/$id"(controller: "blog", action: "show")
The above mapping would let you do things like:
The individual tokens in the URL would again be mapped into the params object with values available for year
, month
, day
, id
and so on.
Dynamic Controller and Action Names
Variables can also be used to dynamically construct the controller and action name. In fact the default Grails URL mappings use this technique:
static mappings = {
Here the name of the controller, action and id are implicitly obtained from the variables controller
, action
and id
embedded within the URL.
You can also resolve the controller name and action name to execute dynamically using a closure:
static mappings = {
"/$controller" {
action = { params.goHere }
Optional Variables
Another characteristic of the default mapping is the ability to append a ? at the end of a variable to make it an optional token. In a further example this technique could be applied to the blog URL mapping to have more flexible linking:
static mappings = {
"/$blog/$year?/$month?/$day?/$id?"(controller:"blog", action:"show")
With this mapping all of these URLs would match with only the relevant parameters being populated in the params object:
/graemerocher/2007/01/10/my_funky_blog_entry /graemerocher/2007/01/10 /graemerocher/2007/01 /graemerocher/2007 /graemerocher
Optional File Extensions
If you wish to capture the extension of a particular path, then a special case mapping exists:
By adding the (.$format)?
mapping you can access the file extension using the response.format
property in a controller:
def index() {
render "extension is ${response.format}"
Arbitrary Variables
You can also pass arbitrary parameters from the URL mapping into the controller by just setting them in the block passed to the mapping:
"/holiday/win" {
id = "Marrakech"
year = 2007
This variables will be available within the params object passed to the controller.
Dynamically Resolved Variables
The hard coded arbitrary variables are useful, but sometimes you need to calculate the name of the variable based on runtime factors. This is also possible by assigning a block to the variable name:
"/holiday/win" {
id = { }
isEligible = { session.user != null } // must be logged in
In the above case the code within the blocks is resolved when the URL is actually matched and hence can be used in combination with all sorts of logic.
8.3.5 Mapping to Views
You can resolve a URL to a view without a controller or action involved. For example to map the root URL /
to a GSP at the location grails-app/views/index.gsp
you could use:
static mappings = {
"/"(view: "/index") // map the root URL
Alternatively if you need a view that is specific to a given controller you could use:
static mappings = {
"/help"(controller: "site", view: "help") // to a view for a controller
8.3.6 Mapping to Response Codes
Grails also lets you map HTTP response codes to controllers, actions, views or URIs. Just use a method name that matches the response code you are interested in:
static mappings = {
"403"(controller: "errors", action: "forbidden")
"404"(controller: "errors", action: "notFound")
"500"(controller: "errors", action: "serverError")
Or you can specify custom error pages:
static mappings = {
"403"(view: "/errors/forbidden")
"404"(view: "/errors/notFound")
"500"(view: "/errors/serverError")
You can also specify custom URIs:
static mappings = {
"403"(uri: "/errors/forbidden")
"404"(uri: "/errors/notFound")
"500"(uri: "/errors/serverError")
Declarative Error Handling
In addition you can configure handlers for individual exceptions:
static mappings = {
"403"(view: "/errors/forbidden")
"404"(view: "/errors/notFound")
"500"(controller: "errors", action: "illegalArgument",
exception: IllegalArgumentException)
"500"(controller: "errors", action: "nullPointer",
exception: NullPointerException)
"500"(controller: "errors", action: "customException",
exception: MyException)
"500"(view: "/errors/serverError")
With this configuration, an IllegalArgumentException
will be handled by the illegalArgument
action in ErrorsController
, a NullPointerException
will be handled by the nullPointer
action, and a MyException
will be handled by the customException
action. Other exceptions will be handled by the catch-all rule and use the /errors/serverError
You can access the exception from your custom error handling view or controller action using the request’s exception
attribute like so:
class ErrorsController {
def handleError() {
def exception = request.exception
// perform desired processing to handle the exception
If your error-handling controller action throws an exception as well, you’ll end up with a StackOverflowException .
8.3.7 Mapping to HTTP methods
URL mappings can also be configured to map based on the HTTP method (GET, POST, PUT or DELETE). This is very useful for RESTful APIs and for restricting mappings based on HTTP method.
As an example the following mappings provide a RESTful API URL mappings for the ProductController
static mappings = {
"/product/$id"(controller:"product", action: "update", method: "PUT")
Note that if you specify a HTTP method other than GET in your URL mapping, you also have to specify it when creating the corresponding link by passing the method
argument to g:link
or g:createLink
to get a link of the desired format.
8.3.8 Mapping Wildcards
Grails' URL mappings mechanism also supports wildcard mappings. For example consider the following mapping:
static mappings = {
"/images/*.jpg"(controller: "image")
This mapping will match all paths to images such as /image/logo.jpg
. Of course you can achieve the same effect with a variable:
static mappings = {
"/images/$name.jpg"(controller: "image")
However, you can also use double wildcards to match more than one level below:
static mappings = {
"/images/**.jpg"(controller: "image")
In this cases the mapping will match /image/logo.jpg
as well as /image/other/logo.jpg
. Even better you can use a double wildcard variable:
static mappings = {
// will match /image/logo.jpg and /image/other/logo.jpg
"/images/$name**.jpg"(controller: "image")
In this case it will store the path matched by the wildcard inside a name
parameter obtainable from the params object:
def name =
println name // prints "logo" or "other/logo"
If you use wildcard URL mappings then you may want to exclude certain URIs from Grails' URL mapping process. To do this you can provide an excludes
setting inside the UrlMappings.groovy
class UrlMappings {
static excludes = ["/images/*", "/css/*"]
static mappings = {
In this case Grails won’t attempt to match any URIs that start with /images
or /css
8.3.9 Automatic Link Re-Writing
Another great feature of URL mappings is that they automatically customize the behaviour of the link tag so that changing the mappings don’t require you to go and change all of your links.
This is done through a URL re-writing technique that reverse engineers the links from the URL mappings. So given a mapping such as the blog one from an earlier section:
static mappings = {
"/$blog/$year?/$month?/$day?/$id?"(controller:"blog", action:"show")
If you use the link tag as follows:
<g:link controller="blog" action="show"
params="[blog:'fred', year:2007]">
My Blog
<g:link controller="blog" action="show"
params="[blog:'fred', year:2007, month:10]">
My Blog - October 2007 Posts
Grails will automatically re-write the URL in the correct format:
<a href="/fred/2007">My Blog</a>
<a href="/fred/2007/10">My Blog - October 2007 Posts</a>
8.3.10 Applying Constraints
URL Mappings also support Grails' unified validation constraints mechanism, which lets you further "constrain" how a URL is matched. For example, if we revisit the blog sample code from earlier, the mapping currently looks like this:
static mappings = {
"/$blog/$year?/$month?/$day?/$id?"(controller:"blog", action:"show")
This allows URLs such as:
However, it would also allow:
This is problematic as it forces you to do some clever parsing in the controller code. Luckily, URL Mappings can be constrained to further validate the URL tokens:
"/$blog/$year?/$month?/$day?/$id?" {
controller = "blog"
action = "show"
constraints {
In this case the constraints ensure that the year
, month
and day
parameters match a particular valid pattern thus relieving you of that burden later on.
8.3.11 Named URL Mappings
URL Mappings also support named mappings, that is mappings which have a name associated with them. The name may be used to refer to a specific mapping when links are generated.
The syntax for defining a named mapping is as follows:
static mappings = {
name <mapping name>: <url pattern> {
// ...
For example:
static mappings = {
name personList: "/showPeople" {
controller = 'person'
action = 'list'
name accountDetails: "/details/$acctNumber" {
controller = 'product'
action = 'accountDetails'
The mapping may be referenced in a link tag in a GSP.
<g:link mapping="personList">List People</g:link>
That would result in:
<a href="/showPeople">List People</a>
Parameters may be specified using the params attribute.
<g:link mapping="accountDetails" params="[acctNumber:'8675309']">
Show Account
That would result in:
<a href="/details/8675309">Show Account</a>
Alternatively you may reference a named mapping using the link namespace.
<link:personList>List People</link:personList>
That would result in:
<a href="/showPeople">List People</a>
The link namespace approach allows parameters to be specified as attributes.
<link:accountDetails acctNumber="8675309">Show Account</link:accountDetails>
That would result in:
<a href="/details/8675309">Show Account</a>
To specify attributes that should be applied to the generated href
, specify a Map
value to the attrs
attribute. These attributes will be applied directly to the href, not passed through to be used as request parameters.
<link:accountDetails attrs="[class: 'fancy']" acctNumber="8675309">
Show Account
That would result in:
<a href="/details/8675309" class="fancy">Show Account</a>
8.3.12 Customizing URL Formats
The default URL Mapping mechanism supports camel case names in the URLs. The default URL for accessing an action named addNumbers
in a controller named MathHelperController
would be something like /mathHelper/addNumbers
. Grails allows for the customization of this pattern and provides an implementation which replaces the camel case convention with a hyphenated convention that would support URLs like /math-helper/add-numbers
. To enable hyphenated URLs assign a value of "hyphenated" to the grails.web.url.converter
property in grails-app/conf/application.groovy
grails.web.url.converter = 'hyphenated'
Arbitrary strategies may be plugged in by providing a class which implements the {apiDocs}grails/web/UrlConverter.html[UrlConverter] interface and adding an instance of that class to the Spring application context with the bean name of grails.web.UrlConverter.BEAN_NAME
. If Grails finds a bean in the context with that name, it will be used as the default converter and there is no need to assign a value to the grails.web.url.converter
config property.
package com.myapplication
class MyUrlConverterImpl implements grails.web.UrlConverter {
String toUrlElement(String propertyOrClassName) {
// return some representation of a property or class name that should be used in URLs...
beans = {
8.3.13 Namespaced Controllers
If an application defines multiple controllers with the same name
in different packages, the controllers must be defined in a
namespace. The way to define a namespace for a controller is to
define a static property named namespace
in the controller and
assign a String to the property that represents the namespace.
class AdminController {
static namespace = 'reports'
// ...
class AdminController {
static namespace = 'users'
// ...
When defining url mappings which should be associated with a namespaced
controller, the namespace
variable needs to be part of the URL mapping.
class UrlMappings {
static mappings = {
'/userAdmin' {
controller = 'admin'
namespace = 'users'
'/reportAdmin' {
controller = 'admin'
namespace = 'reports'
Reverse URL mappings also require that the namespace
be specified.
<g:link controller="admin" namespace="reports">Click For Report Admin</g:link>
<g:link controller="admin" namespace="users">Click For User Admin</g:link>
When resolving a URL mapping (forward or reverse) to a namespaced controller,
a mapping will only match if the namespace
has been provided. If
the application provides several controllers with the same name in different
packages, at most 1 of them may be defined without a namespace
property. If
there are multiple controllers with the same name that do not define a
property, the framework will not know how to distinguish between
them for forward or reverse mapping resolutions.
It is allowed for an application to use a plugin which provides a controller
with the same name as a controller provided by the application and for neither
of the controllers to define a namespace
property as long as the
controllers are in separate packages. For example, an application
may include a controller named com.accounting.ReportingController
and the application may use a plugin which provides a controller
named com.humanresources.ReportingController
. The only issue
with that is the URL mapping for the controller provided by the
plugin needs to be explicit in specifying that the mapping applies
to the ReportingController
which is provided by the plugin.
See the following example.
static mappings = {
"/accountingReports" {
controller = "reporting"
"/humanResourceReports" {
controller = "reporting"
plugin = "humanResources"
With that mapping in place, a request to /accountingReports
be handled by the ReportingController
which is defined in the
application. A request to /humanResourceReports
will be handled
by the ReportingController
which is provided by the humanResources
There could be any number of ReportingController
controllers provided
by any number of plugins but no plugin may provide more than one
even if they are defined in separate packages.
Assigning a value to the plugin
variable in the mapping is only
required if there are multiple controllers with the same name
available at runtime provided by the application and/or plugins.
If the humanResources
plugin provides a ReportingController
there is no other ReportingController
available at runtime, the
following mapping would work.
static mappings = {
"/humanResourceReports" {
controller = "reporting"
It is best practice to be explicit about the fact that the controller is being provided by a plugin.
8.4 CORS
Spring Boot provides CORS support out of the box, but it is difficult to configure in a Grails application due to the way UrlMappings are used instead of annotations that define URLs. Starting with Grails 3.2.1, we have added a way to configure CORS that makes sense in a Grails application.
Once enabled, the default setting is "wide open".
enabled: true
That will produce a mapping to all urls /**
allowedOrigins |
allowedMethods |
allowedHeaders |
exposedHeaders |
maxAge |
allowCredentials |
false |
Some of these settings come directly from Spring Boot and can change in future versions. See {springapi}/org/springframework/web/cors/CorsConfiguration.html#applyPermitDefaultValues[Spring CORS Configuration Documentation]
All of those settings can be easily overridden.
enabled: true
- http://localhost:5000
In the example above, the allowedOrigins
setting will replace [*]
You can also configure different URLs.
enabled: true
- Content-Type
- http://localhost:5000
# Other configurations not specified default to the global config
Note that the mapping key must be made with bracket notation (see, which is a breaking change between Spring Boot 1.5 (Grails 3) and Spring Boot 2 (Grails 4).
Specifying at least one mapping will disable the creation of the global mapping (/** ). If you wish to keep that setting, you should specify it along with your other mappings.
The settings above will produce a single mapping of /api/**
with the following settings:
allowedOrigins |
allowedMethods |
allowedHeaders |
exposedHeaders |
maxAge |
allowCredentials |
false |
If you don’t wish to override any of the default settings, but only want to specify URLs, you can do so like this example:
enabled: true
'[/api/**]': inherit
8.5 Interceptors
Grails provides standalone Interceptors using the create-interceptor command:
$ grails create-interceptor MyInterceptor
The above command will create an Interceptor in the grails-app/controllers
directory with the following default contents:
class MyInterceptor {
boolean before() { true }
boolean after() { true }
void afterView() {
// no-op
Interceptors vs Filters
In versions of Grails prior to Grails 3.0, Grails supported the notion of filters. These are still supported for backwards compatibility but are considered deprecated.
The new interceptors concept in Grails 3.0 is superior in a number of ways, most significantly interceptors can use Groovy’s CompileStatic
annotation to optimize performance (something which is often critical as interceptors can be executed for every request.)
8.5.1 Defining Interceptors
By default interceptors will match the controllers with the same name. For example if you have an interceptor called BookInterceptor
then all requests to the actions of the BookController
will trigger the interceptor.
An Interceptor
implements the {apiDocs}grails/artefact/Interceptor.html[Interceptor] trait and provides 3 methods that can be used to intercept requests:
* Executed before a matched action
* @return Whether the action should continue and execute
boolean before() { true }
* Executed after the action executes but prior to view rendering
* @return True if view rendering should continue, false otherwise
boolean after() { true }
* Executed after view rendering completes
void afterView() {}
As described above the before
method is executed prior to an action and can cancel the execution of the action by returning false
The after
method is executed after an action executes and can halt view rendering if it returns false. The after
method can also modify the view or model using the view
and model
properties respectively:
boolean after() { = "bar" // add a new model attribute called 'foo'
view = 'alternate' // render a different view called 'alternate'
The afterView
method is executed after view rendering completes. If an exception occurs, the exception is available using the throwable
property of the {apiDocs}grails/artefact/Interceptor.html[Interceptor] trait.
8.5.2 Matching Requests with Interceptors
As mention in the previous section, by default an interceptor will match only requests to the associated controller by convention. However you can configure the interceptor to match any request using the match
or matchAll
methods defined in the {apiDocs}grails/artefact/Interceptor.html[Interceptor API].
The matching methods return a {apiDocs}grails/interceptors/Matcher.html[Matcher] instance which can be used to configure how the interceptor matches the request.
For example the following interceptor will match all requests except those to the login
class AuthInterceptor {
AuthInterceptor() {
boolean before() {
// perform authentication
You can also perform matching using named argument:
class LoggingInterceptor {
LoggingInterceptor() {
match(controller:"book", action:"show") // using strings
match(controller: ~/(author|publisher)/) // using regex
boolean before() {
You can use any number of matchers defined in your interceptor. They will be executed in the order in which they have been defined. For example the above interceptor will match for all of the following:
when the
action ofBookController
is called -
is called
All named arguments except for uri
accept either a String or a Regex expression. The uri
argument supports a String path that is compatible with Spring’s {springapi}org/springframework/util/AntPathMatcher.html[AntPathMatcher]. The possible named arguments are:
- The namespace of the controller -
- The name of the controller -
- The name of the action -
- The HTTP method -
- The URI of the request. If this argument is used then all other arguments will be ignored and only this will be used.
8.5.3 Ordering Interceptor Execution
Interceptors can be ordered by defining an order
property that defines a priority.
For example:
class AuthInterceptor {
The default value of the order
property is 0. Interceptor execution order is determined by sorting the order
property in an ascending direction and executing the lowest numerically ordered interceptor first.
can be used to define filters that should should run first or last respectively.
Note that if you write an interceptor that is to be used by others it is better increment or decrement the HIGHEST_PRECEDENCE
to allow other interceptors to be inserted before or after the interceptor you are authoring:
int order = HIGHEST_PRECEDENCE + 50
// or
int order = LOWEST_PRECEDENCE - 50
To find out the computed order of interceptors you can add a debug logger to logback.groovy
as follows:
logger 'grails.artefact.Interceptor', DEBUG, ['STDOUT'], false
You can override any interceptors default order by using bean override configuration in grails-app/conf/application.yml
order: 50
Or in grails-app/conf/application.groovy
beans {
authInterceptor {
order = 50
Thus giving you complete control over interceptor execution order.
8.6 Content Negotiation
Grails has built in support for Content negotiation using either the HTTP Accept
header, an explicit format request parameter or the extension of a mapped URI.
Configuring Mime Types
Before you can start dealing with content negotiation you need to tell Grails what content types you wish to support. By default Grails comes configured with a number of different content types within grails-app/conf/application.yml
using the grails.mime.types
all: '*/*'
atom: application/atom+xml
css: text/css
csv: text/csv
form: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
- text/html
- application/xhtml+xml
js: text/javascript
- application/json
- text/json
multipartForm: multipart/form-data
rss: application/rss+xml
text: text/plain
- application/hal+json
- application/hal+xml
- text/xml
- application/xml
The setting can also be done in grails-app/conf/application.groovy
as shown below:
grails.mime.types = [ // the first one is the default format
all: '*/*', // 'all' maps to '*' or the first available format in withFormat
atom: 'application/atom+xml',
css: 'text/css',
csv: 'text/csv',
form: 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
html: ['text/html','application/xhtml+xml'],
js: 'text/javascript',
json: ['application/json', 'text/json'],
multipartForm: 'multipart/form-data',
rss: 'application/rss+xml',
text: 'text/plain',
hal: ['application/hal+json','application/hal+xml'],
xml: ['text/xml', 'application/xml']
The above bit of configuration allows Grails to detect to format of a request containing either the 'text/xml' or 'application/xml' media types as simply 'xml'. You can add your own types by simply adding new entries into the map. The first one is the default format.
Content Negotiation using the format Request Parameter
Let’s say a controller action can return a resource in a variety of formats: HTML, XML, and JSON. What format will the client get? The easiest and most reliable way for the client to control this is through a format
URL parameter.
So if you, as a browser or some other client, want a resource as XML, you can use a URL like this:
The request parameters format is allowed as well , but the default Grails URL Mapping get "/$controller(.$format)?"(action:"index") will override the format parameter with null. So the default mapping should be updated to get "/$controller"(action:"index") .
The result of this on the server side is a format
property on the response
object with the value xml
You can also define this parameter in the URL Mappings definition:
"/book/list"(controller:"book", action:"list") {
format = "xml"
You could code your controller action to return XML based on this property, but you can also make use of the controller-specific withFormat()
This example requires the addition of the org.grails.plugins:converters plugin
import grails.converters.JSON
import grails.converters.XML
class BookController {
def list() {
def books = Book.list()
withFormat {
html bookList: books
json { render books as JSON }
xml { render books as XML }
'*' { render books as JSON }
In this example, Grails will only execute the block inside withFormat()
that matches the requested content type. So if the preferred format is html
then Grails will execute the html()
call only. Each 'block' can either be a map model for the corresponding view (as we are doing for 'html' in the above example) or a closure. The closure can contain any standard action code, for example it can return a model or render content directly.
When no format matches explicitly, a *
(wildcard) block can be used to handle all other formats.
There is a special format, "all", that is handled differently from the explicit formats. If "all" is specified (normally this happens through the Accept header - see below), then the first block of withFormat()
is executed when there isn’t a *
(wildcard) block available.
You should not add an explicit "all" block. In this example, a format of "all" will trigger the html
handler (html
is the first block and there is no *
withFormat {
html bookList: books
json { render books as JSON }
xml { render books as XML }
When using withFormat make sure it is the last call in your controller action as the return value of the withFormat method is used by the action to dictate what happens next.
Using the Accept header
Every incoming HTTP request has a special Accept header that defines what media types (or mime types) a client can "accept". In older browsers this is typically:
which simply means anything. However, newer browsers send more interesting values such as this one sent by Firefox:
text/xml, application/xml, application/xhtml+xml, text/html;q=0.9, \
text/plain;q=0.8, image/png, */*;q=0.5
This particular accept header is unhelpful because it indicates that XML is the preferred response format whereas the user is really expecting HTML. That’s why Grails ignores the accept header by default for browsers. However, non-browser clients are typically more specific in their requirements and can send accept headers such as
As mentioned the default configuration in Grails is to ignore the accept header for browsers. This is done by the configuration setting grails.mime.disable.accept.header.userAgents
, which is configured to detect the major rendering engines and ignore their ACCEPT headers. This allows Grails' content negotiation to continue to work for non-browser clients:
grails.mime.disable.accept.header.userAgents = ['Gecko', 'WebKit', 'Presto', 'Trident']
For example, if it sees the accept header above ('application/json') it will set format
to json
as you’d expect. And of course this works with the withFormat()
method in just the same way as when the format
URL parameter is set (although the URL parameter takes precedence).
An accept header of '*/\*' results in a value of all
for the format
If the accept header is used but contains no registered content types, Grails will assume a broken browser is making the request and will set the HTML format - note that this is different from how the other content negotiation modes work as those would activate the "all" format! |
Request format vs. Response format
As of Grails 2.0, there is a separate notion of the request format and the response format. The request format is dictated by the CONTENT_TYPE
header and is typically used to detect if the incoming request can be parsed into XML or JSON, whilst the response format uses the file extension, format parameter or ACCEPT header to attempt to deliver an appropriate response to the client.
The withFormat available on controllers deals specifically with the response format. If you wish to add logic that deals with the request format then you can do so using a separate withFormat
method available on the request:
request.withFormat {
xml {
// read XML
json {
// read JSON
Content Negotiation with URI Extensions
Grails also supports content negotiation using URI extensions. For example given the following URI:
This works as a result of the default URL Mapping definition which is:
Note the inclusion of the format
variable in the path. If you do not wish to use content negotiation via the file extension then simply remove this part of the URL mapping:
Testing Content Negotiation
To test content negotiation in a unit or integration test (see the section on Testing) you can either manipulate the incoming request headers:
void testJavascriptOutput() {
def controller = new TestController()
controller.request.addHeader "Accept",
"text/javascript, text/html, application/xml, text/xml, */*"
assertEquals "alert('hello')", controller.response.contentAsString
Or you can set the format parameter to achieve a similar effect:
void testJavascriptOutput() {
def controller = new TestController()
controller.params.format = 'js'
assertEquals "alert('hello')", controller.response.contentAsString