(Quick Reference)



Specifies how foreign keys that reference missing rows are handled in many-to-one relationships.


class LegacyCdDomain {

    String title
    Thumbnail thumbnail

    static mapping = {
        thumbnail ignoreNotFound: true
class Thumbnail {
    byte[] data


Usage: association_name(ignoreNotFound: boolean)

When the data in the database is corrupt and a foreign key references a non existent record, Hibernate will complain with a "No row with the given identifier exists" message. For example, a LegacyCdDomain record may have a reference to a Thumbnail record with an ID of 1234, but the database may no longer contain a Thumbnail with that ID.

One possible way to load such corrupt data is to use the ignoreNotFound mapping option. If you set it to true, Hibernate will treat a missing row as a null association. So in the above example, our LegacyCdDomain instance would load but its thumbnail property would be null. Specifying a value of false for ignoreNotFound will result in Hibernate throwing an org.hibernate.ObjectNotFoundException.

Warning A dataset loaded with ignoreNotFound: true may throw an exception during save() because of the missing reference!

The default value for this setting is false. It maps to Hibernate’s not-found property.

This settings can be useful if you have a legacy database with unusual behaviour when it comes to referential integrity.