(Quick Reference)



The hibernate plugin configures the Hibernate implementation of GORM.


An example domain class:

class Book {
    String title
    Date releaseDate
    Author author


Refer to the section on GORM in the Grails user guide which details how to create Grails domain classes.

Configured Spring Beans:

  • dialectDetector - An instance of {apiDocs}org/grails/orm/hibernate/support/HibernateDialectDetectorFactoryBean.html[HibernateDialectDetectorFactoryBean] that attempts to automatically detect the Hibernate Dialect which is used to communicate with the database.

  • hibernateProperties - A Map of Hibernate properties passed to the SessionFactory

  • lobHandlerDetector - An instance of {apiDocs}org/grails/orm/hibernate/support/SpringLobHandlerDetectorFactoryBean.html[SpringLobHandlerDetectorFactoryBean] that attempts to automatically detect the Spring LobHandler to use based on the database.

  • sessionFactory - An instance of the Hibernate SessionFactory class

  • transactionManager - An instance of Spring’s {springapi}org/springframework/orm/hibernate3/HibernateTransactionManager.html[HibernateTransactionManager] class

  • persistenceInterceptor - An instance of {apiDocs}org/grails/orm/hibernate/support/HibernatePersistenceContextInterceptor.html[HibernatePersistenceContextInterceptor] that abstracts away how persistence is used from the controller/view layer so that Grails can be used without GORM.

  • openSessionInViewInterceptor - An instance of {apiDocs}org/grails/orm/hibernate/support/GrailsOpenSessionInViewFilter.html[GrailsOpenSessionInViewFilter] that deals with Grails' Session management.