(Quick Reference)



The create-app command serves as the initial step in Grails application development. When invoked, this command generates a Grails application with a user-specified name. Subsequently, it creates a subdirectory based on the provided application name within the directory where the command is executed.


To create a Grails default web application, use the following command:

grails create-app [OPTIONS] name
  • NAME: The desired name for the Grails application.

Options include specifying features, configuring the GORM implementation, selecting a servlet implementation, choosing a test framework, setting the JDK version, and more. You can tailor your Grails plugin to your specific requirements using these options.


Here are the available options for the create-app command:

  • NAME: The desired name for the application.

  • -f, --features=FEATURE[,FEATURE…​]: Specifies the features to include. Available options include h2, scaffolding, gorm-hibernate5, spring-boot-starter-jetty, springloaded, spring-boot-starter-tomcat, micronaut-http-client, cache-ehcache, hibernate-validator, postgres, mysql, cache, database-migration, grails-gsp, hamcrest, gorm-mongodb, assertj, mockito, spring-boot-starter-undertow, micronaut-inject-groovy, github-workflow-java-ci, jrebel, testcontainers, sqlserver, grails-console, views-markup, asset-pipeline-grails, views-json, gorm-neo4j, asciidoctor, embedded-mongodb, grails-web-console, logbackGroovy, mongo-sync, shade, geb, properties.

  • -g, --gorm=GORM Implementation: Specifies the GORM Implementation to configure, with options like hibernate, mongodb, neo4j.

  • -i, --inplace: Creates a service within the current directory.

  • --jdk=<javaVersion>: Specifies the JDK version for the project.

  • -s, --servlet=Servlet Implementation: Specifies the Servlet Implementation, with choices including none, tomcat, jetty, undertow.

  • -t, --test=TEST: Specifies the test framework, with options such as junit, spock.


Here are examples for the create-app command:

  1. Create an application within a directory named "bookstore":

    $ grails create-app bookstore
    $ cd bookstore
  2. Create an application directly in the current directory:

    $ mkdir bookstore
    $ cd bookstore
    $ grails create-app --inplace
  3. Customize the application by adding specific features (available since Grails 3.1):

    $ grails create-app bookstore --features github-workflow-java-ci,asciidoctor

Grails Forge create-app


The create-app command serves as the initial step in Grails application development. When invoked, this command generates a Grails application with a user-specified name. Subsequently, it creates a subdirectory based on the provided application name within the directory where the command is executed.


To create a Grails default web application, use the following command:

$ grails create-app [OPTIONS] name
  • NAME: The desired name for the Grails application.

Options include specifying features, configuring the GORM implementation, selecting a servlet implementation, choosing a test framework, setting the JDK version, and more. You can tailor your Grails application to your specific requirements using these options.


Here are the available options for the create-app command:

  • NAME: The desired name for the application.

  • -f, --features=FEATURE[,FEATURE…​]: Specifies the features to include. Available options include h2, scaffolding, gorm-hibernate5, spring-boot-starter-jetty, springloaded, spring-boot-starter-tomcat, micronaut-http-client, cache-ehcache, hibernate-validator, postgres, mysql, cache, database-migration, grails-gsp, hamcrest, gorm-mongodb, assertj, mockito, spring-boot-starter-undertow, github-workflow-java-ci, jrebel, testcontainers, sqlserver, grails-console, views-markup, asset-pipeline-grails, views-json, gorm-neo4j, asciidoctor, embedded-mongodb, grails-web-console, logbackGroovy, mongo-sync, shade, geb, properties.

  • -g, --gorm=<GORM Implementation>: Specifies the GORM Implementation to configure, with options like hibernate, mongodb, neo4j.

  • -i, --inplace: Creates the application within the current directory.

  • --jdk=<Java Version>: Specifies the JDK version for the project.

  • -s, --servlet=<Servlet Implementation>: Specifies the Servlet Implementation, with choices including none, tomcat, jetty, undertow.

  • -t, --test=<Test Framework>: Specifies the test framework, with options such as junit, spock.


Here are examples for the create-app command:

  1. Create an application within a directory named "bookstore":

    $ grails create-app bookstore
    $ cd bookstore
  2. Create an application directly in the current directory:

    $ mkdir bookstore
    $ cd bookstore
    $ grails create-app --inplace
  3. Customize the application by adding specific features (available since Grails 3.1):

    $ grails create-app bookstore --features github-workflow-java-ci,asciidoctor