grails create-app --list-features
Output the available features and their descriptions for a given create-<<application-type>>
command. Such as: create-app
, create-plugin
, create-web-plugin
, etc.
grails create-app --list-features
grails create-plugin --list-features
Lists the features that are available. Note: Typical output looks like this:
grails> create-restapi --list-features
Available Features
(+) denotes the feature is included by default
Name Description
---------------------------------- ---------------
github-workflow-java-ci [PREVIEW] Adds a Github Actions Workflow to Build and Test Grails Application
cache The Grails Cache plugin provides powerful and easy to use caching functionality to Grails applications and plugins.
cache-ehcache The Grails Cache Ehcache plugin extends the Cache plugin and uses Ehcache as the storage provider for cached content.
micronaut-http-client Adds support for the Micronaut HTTP client
properties Creates a properties configuration file
database-migration Adds support for Liquibase database migrations. The Database Migration plugin helps you manage database changes while developing Grails applications.
embedded-mongodb Executes an embedded mongo database for integration or functional testing
gorm-hibernate5 (+) Adds support for Hibernate5 using GORM
gorm-mongodb Configures GORM for MongoDB for Groovy applications
gorm-neo4j Configures GORM for Neo4j for Groovy applications
h2 (+) Adds the H2 driver and default config
mongo-sync Adds support for the MongoDB Synchronous Driver
mysql Adds the MySQL driver and default config
postgres Adds the PostgresSQL driver and default config
sqlserver Adds the SQL Server driver and default config
testcontainers Use Testcontainers to run a database or other software in a Docker container for tests
Development Tools
assertj AssertJ fluent assertions framework
hamcrest Hamcrest matchers for JUnit
jrebel Adds support for class reloading with JRebel (requires separate JRebel installation)
springloaded Adds support for class reloading with Spring Loaded
asciidoctor Adds support for creating Asciidoctor documentation
logbackGroovy Gives you the ability to use groovy to configure logback instead of XML.
grails-web-console A web-based Groovy console for interactive runtime application management and debugging
grails-console (+) Starts the Grails console, which is an extended version of the regular Groovy console.
shade Adds the ability to build a Fat/Shaded JAR
spring-boot-starter-jetty spring-boot-starter-jetty
spring-boot-starter-tomcat (+) spring-boot-starter-tomcat
spring-boot-starter-undertow spring-boot-starter-undertow
hibernate-validator Adds support for the Hibernate Validator
mockito Mockito test mocking framework for JUnit
View Rendering
grails-gsp grails-gsp
views-json (+) JSON views are written in Groovy, end with the file extension gson and reside in the grails-app/views directory. They provide a DSL for producing output in the JSON format.
views-markup Markup views are written in Groovy, end with the file extension gml and reside in the grails-app/views directory. They provide a DSL for producing output in the XML.